one condition of “food hospital”.

The patient:

Jayne is an 25 years old women with an hair illness. She came to the Food Hospital to talk about her illness. She wanted to talk to the docters, because her self-confidence has become much less. She Always wears a wig, but she continued to feel insecure about her appearance. Jaynes hair fall out in small pieces in her first year of Universaty, by the time she was 21 years, she was totaly bald.


Alopecia Universalis:

The condition that I have chosen is Alopecia Universalis. Alopecia Universalis is an autoimmune disease associated with hair loss and is an advanced form of alopecia areata. Alopecia Universalis can affect both male and women at all ages. you can get it at a young age, but you can also get it if you are older. When you have Alopecia Universalis you can lose your hair on your eyebrows, eyelasshes, head or beard. Actuelly when you have Alopecia Universalis you lose al your body hair. In the beginning you lose a few strangs of hair. But how longer you wait, the more hair falls out. After a couple of years you completely bald. It is an advanced an also the most violent form of alopecia areata.

Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia Areata is also an hair illness. It is the less severe form of Alopecia Universalis. In Alopecia Areata, one or more round bald patches appear suddently, most often on the scalp. The places where the hair roots are affected are usually round or oval. Alopecia Areata is also called autimmune Alopecia.

So, the biggest difference between Alopecia Universalis and Alopecia Areata is that by Alopecia Universalis you lose hair all over your body and by Alopecia Areata you have only a few bald spots on you head.

universalis                                                      Alopecia  Universalis                                  Alopecia Areata


Symptoms of Alopecia Universalis:

Many people with Alopecia Universalis have physical symptoms but also mental symptoms.

The Physical symptoms:

  • A lot of hair loss on your head.
  • Hair lose all over your body.

The Mental symptoms:

  • Emotional / Physical stressors
  • Low self esteem.


The three stages of this condition:

When someone gets Alopecia Universalis,they can divide the failure of the hair in three phases. The first phase is small loss of hair, they do not lose much hair but increasingly tufts of hair. The next phase is enlargement of bald patch or patches. In this phase the patients will receive much more hair loss, and the bald places on there head getting bigger. And the worst and last phase is that the patient is completly bald.


Hair growth cycle of Alopecia Universalis:

At Alopecia Universalis  there is an inflammation process around the hair root, the inflammation obstructs the hair roots in their function. By this inflammation there will be some deformed and easily deplete her grow, and finally there will be no more hairs grow. This ensures early for patchy baldness. Finally, the disease process, in severe cases, can lead to complete baldness. When you are completely bald, there grow by the most people with Alopecia Universalis no new hair back. When there are still new hairs start to grow, they break them down almost immediately.

Normal hair growth cycle:

There are three stages of the hair growth cycle. The first phase is the anagen. The anagene phase is known as the growth phase. How longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, how longer the hair will grow.During this time, the metabolism of the hair root is very active and ensures rapid division of hair cells: new hair is formed and hair grows.  Hair grows at different speeds and different lengths. Its composition causes different colors and textures, wich influence how long the hair strands grow. During this phase, the cells in the papilla divide to produce new hair fibers and in this phase begins the growht of a hair follicle. This phase lasts about 2 to 6 years.

The end of the growth phase is followed by the Catagen phase which lasts just a few weeks, the hair follices prepare themselves for a period of rest at the end of the growing period. Hair cell division declines, and the root shrinks to around 1/3 of its original size. The hair detaches from the hair root and travels upwards in the scalp. The Catagen phase is the period during which the hair follice passes from growth to resting phase. The deeper parts of hair follices in the deposit during this phase.

Lastly, your hair enters the Telegen phase, a resting phase when your hair is released and falls out.The resting phase lasts around five to six weeks and is the period during which the hair falls out – either on its own or on being pushed out by the newly growing hair so that a new growth cycle can begin.


The treatment:

Jayne has talked with the professional doctors of Food Hospital about her illness. First the docters did some tests by Jayne. But the professionals talk again with Jayne, because there are no health problems in this disease. Because there are no fysical health problems, they should look for another solution. They make a special diet for Jayne with carbohydrates, 3 fruits and vegetables, 10 – 15 % protein, 10-15% milk and never more than 5-7% fat and sugar. The professionals of Food Hospital say her what for products she has to eat. She has to eat fruit like strawberries, raspberry’s, blueberry’s, blackberries and apples. Vegtables like spinach, carrots, tomato and lettuce. Also she has to eat food with protein like beef, chicken and salmon. Food with carbohydrates like potato, rice, wholegrain pasta and wholegrain bread. And she has to eat food with dairy like probiotic yoghurt, eggs and milk.

The results of the treatment:

After a few weeks Jayne returns to the Food hospital. She received a diet with fruits, vegetables and dairy, she had to eat that diet a couple of weeks. When she returns to the Food Hospital and she shows the result to the doctors, they were confused. They were confused because Jayne’s hair began to grow back. Jayne was very happy but she still continues to wear a wig.


Results after a few weeks


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