death sentence Australia

Arguments in against

Not painlesss

1) The first argument against the death sentence is that when someone being killed by a lethal injection or being electrocuted is not always smooth and painless, sometimes it causes a painful death. When an injection will inject wrong, the person will spend a slow and painful death.


2) The second argument against the death sentence are mistakes. Mistakes are sometimes  made in law. What if someone killed who is actuallt innocent? This horrible mistake will still sometimes made. Sometimes a person is arrested on suspicion of murder, althought there is little evidence. Buts he gets the death sentence.


3) The last argument against the death sentence is grief. When someone is executed, the survivor will always live with grief. But when the killer staying in jail, the survivor have less grief. They have less grief, because they can visit him and he is alive.



Arguments in favour


1)The first argument in favour of the death sentence is the deterrent. The Many criminals know that they will be put to death when they murder someone.Some of these murders are less inclined to commit murder. That means there will be less murders comitted. So the death sentence is the ultimate warning against crimes and a good deterrent.


Suffer of wrongdoing 

2)An other argument to be in favour of the death sentence is suffer of wrongdoing. When people commit murders they get a punishment who is appropriate for the crime. The only suitable punishment for murders is the death sentence. They have killed someone and should be killed too.


3)The last argument is the safety for the people. When a criminal gets the death sentence it ensures for safety. The criminal does not live in the society and this wrong person can not commit other murders.So there is safety in the country.