The Resolution

The Security Council,

Welcoming everyone to the debate to discuss abolition of the death penalty in a number of English speaking countries,

Conviced that all the countries all over the world will abolish the death penalty in the future,

Deploring that the death penalty is used in a number of English speaking and other countries in the world despite that it violates the human rights and the rights of the child,

  1. Calls for a way to abolish the death penalty in every country all over the world to respect the human rights for all the persons in the world;
  2. Hopes that all the countries over the world will find out that the death penalty is not a good way to give someone a punishment and that they will very quickly abolish the death penalty;
  3. Proposes to abolish the death penalty for all the crimes because people will have the same rights and this also means that every person will get the same punishment despite they have done something less bad.